Your employer has presented you a draft termination agreement? Are you looking for a German lawyer for termination agreements who will review the offer with you? Or, conversely, you want to leave your employer and are looking for a lawyer who will guide you through the termination agreement?
When negotiating a termination agreement, attention must be paid to technical and economic issues. Is the severance payment offered in line with the German market standard, even generous, or is your employer only proposing a low severance payment to you? What is the significance of a revocable release or irrevocable release in Germany? Are there any other compensation components that need to be covered? For example, are you entitled to the payment of a waiting allowance due to a post-contractual non-competition clause? Has this been taken into account? What does your contract say about the calculation of variable compensation?
An experienced termination agreement lawyer will review your contract and termination agreement and, most importantly, can tell you what the market offer is.
- We provide a trained eye to point out pitfalls, potential for improvement and the market standard.
- We have short-term capacity to negotiate and conclude your termination agreement in a timely manner.
- We advise you on the negotiation of your termination agreement according to our proven 7-point program.
- Our consulting always includes a detailed strategy discussion, a personal guideline with background knowledge and the creation of a "dream agreement".
- We review and comment on the termination agreement in the "Executive Employment Agreement Classic" package at a fixed price.
We are your lawyers for termination agreements in Germany
But you also need specialists to negotiate a termination agreement from a technical point of view. For example, in many cases the negotiation is time-critical because the time window is closing for either you or the employer. So make sure that your lawyer for a termination agreement in Germany can provide sufficient capacity for you even at short notice.
A termination agreement ends your employment relationship. You should therefore be aware of any consequences under social security law, such as a possible blocking period for unemployment benefits. We can at least reduce the risk by skilful drafting.
Have you wondered what the difference is between a termination agreement and a settlement agreement? The employment agreement itself terminates your employment contract, while the settlement agreement settles an employment relationship that has already been terminated. Termination agreements and settlement agreements have many things in common, but they differ, for example, in their social security consequences.
A termination agreement is a contract. It can and must therefore often be as detailed as your employment contract - because it is intended to regulate a large number of possible points of dispute. The goal must be: no subsequent dispute may arise after the termination agreement, everything must be settled. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a well-drafted termination agreement to have 10 or more pages - depending on the complexity of the case. As experienced lawyers for termination agreements in Germany, we can support you in this respect.